How Can I Practice Bunker Golf Shots?

We all hit the driving range, practice our putting, even our chip and runs on the practice greens, but how often do we work on our bunker game? It’s not because we think we are good enough that we will never find ourselves in the sand. The reality is not many courses have sand trap areas for us to work on this element of our game. We brush it aside and think we simply do not need to work on it. Until we find ourselves in a green side bunker. A couple of failed attempts to get out of the bunker, leads us to attacking the ball harder. As a result the ball blasts over the green. We go from a good sand save for par, to starring at a putt to salvage a triple bogey. Just like that a good round of golf falls off the rails.

 How do we practice these bunker shot? We discovered a great training tool called the Pocket Bunker that allows us to do just that. The Pocket Bunker looks to offer us a way to work on our bunker game, even when a sand trap is not available. It is a precision designed tool aimed at improving our bunker shots by simulating a bunker lie.

The biggest problem with bunker play is the moment we find ourselves in the sand panic sets in, because it’s a shot we don’t know how to play. A bunker shot is a different type of shot, and approaching it wrong can put you in a world of hurt. What we love about the Pocket Bunker is that it allows you to practice this type of shot. So that when that moment strikes during a round you are approaching the shot with confidence rather than fear. That element alone is huge in the mental aspect of golf. Having the 3 pack is great as it allows you to hit consecutive shots in a row before having to retrieve them. We find it amazing that some amateurs will plunk down a hundred dollars plus for a new sand wedge, and not know how to properly use that club. For a quarter of that price you can get 3 Pocket Bunkers , and perfect how to use the wedge that is already in your bag. When it comes to good sand play proper technique is everything, so put aside that new wedge purchase and give these a try instead.

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